Monday, January 17, 2011


Sales people have also been trained in what I call sales speak.  Here are a few examples 
of what I mean:

I need your OK( approval, initials, etc.)
Please sign this binding commitment.
We have some paperwork to fill in
I want you to sign a binding commitment.
It requires an investment of only .....
Here is the price.
We need an initial investment.
We want an advance or down payment to lock you in.
We can provide something more in line with your budget (more economical)
Here is our lower priced product we would prefer to sell to you rather than discounting the item you want.
There is a service fee
There is an additional charge.
It presents a challenge
There is a problem
Here is our list price
This highest amount we thought we could charge anyone.
You qualify for our standard discount of...
Here is an “authority” type document showing discounting is by purchase volume. I will use it to argue against higher discounts based on your volumes versus the schedule.
This is the market price
Please look at the past prices paid and not the future potential.
I’ve been authorized to offer a special competitive allowance if you buy now.
Here is an additional discount as we want the business and know we are in a competitive situation.
We have a reference account discount.
If we can use you to sell to others we’ll lower our price.
We offer a special price for competitive upgrades.
We want to convert you to our customer so we can get the annuity business (service revenues, new revisions, enhancements etc.) so we’ll discount to get that.
We have several areas of concern
We have objections to your requests/requirements.
This is trade practice.
This is what all suppliers in our industry try to get the customers to agree to.
Trade association, Professional association.
This is an organization made up of Sellers only who may publish standards, standard agreements to give credibility to their position.
These are our standard terms
This is the agreement which is 100% in our favor.
It will require approval by...........
We don’t want to change
I’ll have to speak with my management
I don’t have a good reason so will go back for help.
Here are our standard hourly rates
Here is our list price for people charges
These are industry standard terms
Here are the terms set by our association of Sellers.
There is a shipping and handling fee.
We would like to add additional margin to their price under the guise of shipping and handling charges which either should be included in the price or bear no relationship to cost.
Our customers have a return on investment on our product of _______.
I don’t want you to think about the price and if I can show you savings it will take the pressure off price negotiations.  
Lets make this a Win-win
I want to make the sale at acceptable terms to me.
We would like you to buy thorough our channels / authorized resellers.
We want to maintain our margins by restricting who you can buy from and what discounts we give them.
We can offer a refurbished item
We would like to sell this used item.
Lets split the difference
I want you to pay half of the difference from my highest price versus your offer.

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